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Partner Event

North Harris tree planting

1 Nov 2024 - 1 Apr 2025

Near Rhenigidale, Isle of Harris

North Harris Trust tree planting work partyJoin the North Harris Trust volunteers and help create a network of woodland habitat across the estate.

North Harris makes up one of the largest community owned estates in Scotland, and is managed on behalf of the community by the North Harris Trust.

The John Muir Trust is proud to have supported the project since the initial buyout in 2003, as it works to increase employment opportunities, address local housing needs, and protect and enhance North Harris’ wonderful cultural and natural heritage.

Join the North Harris Trust as they work to create a network of woodland habitat across the estate. You'll be planting trees, making friends, and enjoying some spectacular Hebridean scenery along the way!

Dates: Every week from November 2024 to April 2025.

  • For more information, or to sign up, contact Fañch Bihan-Gallic (North Harris Ranger) at or 01859 502 222.


Tha Urras Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh a’ làimhseachadh Oighreachd Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh às leth na coimhearsnachd. ’S e seo aon de na h-oighreachdan coimhearsnachd as motha ann an Alba.

Tha Urras Iain Mhuir air taic a chumail ris a’ phròiseact on fhìor-thoiseach, nuair a chaidh am fearann a cheannach ann an 2003. Tha a’ choimhearsnachd air iomadh rud a dhèanamh on uair sin a thaobh leasachadh na h-oighreachd, gus cothrom na Fèinne a thoirt an dà chuid don choimhearsnachd agus don àrainneachd.

Nach toir sibhse taic ri obraichean Urras Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh is iad a’ fàs coilltean ionadail air an fhearann aca. Cuiridh sibh craobhan, coinnichidh sibh ri daoine ùra, gheobh sibh tlachd às an dùthaich, agus bruidhnidh sibh Gàidhlig!

Làithean: Gach seachdain eadar an Samhain 2024 agus an Giblean 2025.

  • Airson barrachd fiosrachadh fhaotainn, no airson a bhith an sàs, nach leig sibh fios gu Fañch Bihan-Gallic (Maor-dùthcha na Hearadh) aig no 01859 502 222.
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