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14 Apr 2022

Nature awards resource launched

New collaborative resource helps practitioners navigate learner journeys and progression through nature-based national awards.

Nature Awards pathway illustration

The John Muir Trust and partners* have created a resource to inspire practitioners, including teachers and youth workers, to navigate and connect diverse award opportunities available in Scotland, and realise the benefits of nature-based awards for people and places.

The Achieving Awards in, through and for Nature resource demonstrates how awards contribute towards national agendas such as building skills for life, learning and work, and inspiring people about the benefits of wild places and nature connection in tackling the climate crisis and reversing biodiversity loss.

Finally, it highlights the strength and impact of the Awards Network - a forum championing the equitable value between non-formal learning awards and formal learning qualifications as evidence of attainment and achievement.

* Led by the John Muir Trust, this collaborative resource has been supported by NatureScot, the Awards Network, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Forestry, Scottish Countryside Ranger Association and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


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