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Published: 28 May 2020

Wild Moment: Enid Forsyth

Poems inspired by two unexpected discoveries in early 2020, before lockdown

Poems inspired by two unexpected discoveries in early 2020, before lockdown

The first poem is written about a wee spring we found one day in the SSW section of Glenlude. The other was written after discovering that the building work for a new primary school near me had eliminated two stunning mature and healthy pine trees.

Secret Spring

Brashed trees; scented branches at my feet
Crackle in still air, and there beside
Me water. Searing and clear, with my mind
Moving mosswards.


Two pine trees
Butchered in Edinburgh today. In the
Name of progress.
Lungs of the planet destroyed.
Refrain from a piobaireachd
In my head, as I walk home

Those pine trees had
Stories to tell of the neighbourhood’s past;
What the land was like before
Concrete. Which birds sat on their branches,
Built nests and sang their hearts out.
All now silenced.

Copyright © Enid Forsyth, January 2020

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