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Published: 12 Feb 2021

Wild Moment: Iona Mandal

Iona has completed all three levels of the John Muir Award with a focus on poetry for her Conserver Award. She shares her favourite one here.


Serene, she meditates
amongst dewy, uncut grass,
nourishing to purify the white-washed frost
in her viridian shoots,
an ode to winter,
her delicate silent presence
on petite bells of snow.

Winds force her to sway,
although not harsh enough,
to damage her head,
bowed in undiluted humility,
for she does not revel
in the glory she receives,
instead, without arrogance acts obediently,
as harbinger of early spring.

In hope, she promptly sprouts
in timely bursts of variety,
sprinkling meadows and vales afar,
in beacons of hope,
as untamed stars in a Milky Way.

© Iona Mandal