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22 Sep 2023

John Muir Award impact on Scotland’s education

Trust shares annual report summarising John Muir Award activity taking place with schools in Scotland.

North BerwickThe John Muir Trust has published its report focusing on John Muir Award schools activity across Local Authorities in Scotland for the academic year 2022-23.

The Trust supported over 14,000 pupils staff and families to enjoy, connect with and care for wild places through their curriculum learning across 384 schools.

This is the 12th year we have produced this report to help inform teachers, education and community learning and development leaders, and funders of reach, impact and relevance of people enjoying the benefits of wild places.

The report highlights a continued increase in activity in line with pandemic recovery – especially in residential learning, as well as specific partner outcomes with East Ayrshire Council, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park and Scottish Forestry.

We’re also sharing an invitation to get involved with our exciting plans to redesign the John Muir Award and help ensure its bright future in a rapidly changing world. We plan to launch a redesigned Award in summer 2024. Until then, you can continue to participate in the current John Muir Award.

  • Email if you would like a copy of the John Muir Award Scotland Education Report 2022-23.

Special thanks to key funders NatureScot and the Scottish Government’s Children, Young People and Families Early Intervention Fund.