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Advocating for Wild Places

The nation’s leading voice for wild places

In the last 50 years, two thirds of all animal populations have been lost to habitat destruction, and climate change and biodiversity collapse now threaten to transform life on earth.

Bla Bheinn pathThrough advocacy and campaigning, we work to raise awareness of the unique benefits of wild places (clean air, water, flood prevention, peatlands and woodlands as carbon sinks and wildlife habitats) and their role in our own health and wellbeing. We demonstrate how good policy can support communities while protecting wild places through a Just Transition and seek to persuade decision makers, both locally and nationally, to recognise and protect fragile and sensitive wild places.

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Carbon Emissions Land Tax

Our place in the UK’s environmental movement

The John Muir Trust is an active member of the wider environmental movement. We are part of the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest which works to ensure the West Coast’s rainforest is thriving once again.

We are a member of the Wales Environment LINK, the Wildlife and Countryside LINK, and the Scottish Environment LINK. Within these three coalitions of environmental NGOs, we work to pursue the John Muir Trust’s vision for wild places where nature, people and communities have the freedom to thrive. We collaborate to develop common policy positions, produce supporting evidence, and lobby decision-makers to act for nature, climate, and communities.

We are also part of Northwest 2045, a community initiative in the northwest of Scotland that aims to empower communities to shape their own future, build a diverse and sustainable economy and make the area an attractive place to live and work.

Protect Wild Places Fund

We can’t win for wild places without your support. Consider donating today.
