Wild and Well
Our Wild and Well campaign celebrates the invaluable connection between wild places and people's health.
There’s a growing body of evidence which highlights the power of wild places to support and enhance our wellbeing – emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
The Wild and Well Repository is a centralised online resource hosting a wide range of information helping us to explore and explain this connection.
Join the Trust to help protect these precious wild places.
Browse our Wild and Well Repository
Articles, research, books and more exploring the link between wild places and wellbeing
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12 ways to connect with nature
Ideas for re-igniting the spark of life when you feel stressed, anxious or depressed
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Wild and Well: Evidence and Emotion
Why the Trust is creating a hub of detailed knowledge and information on why wild places matter for the health of individuals, community and society
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Wild and Well: Mind over Mountains
Alex Staniforth explains why he co-founded Mind Over Mountains, a charity working to restore mental health through outdoor experiences
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Head space
Lucy Sparks explores the connections between nature, creativity and self-expression – and their positive impact on mental health and wellbeing
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The John Muir Award
How the John Muir Award supports health and wellbeing
Resources, case studies and more